Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Why would I need to have my wisdom teeth removed?

Wisdom teeth are the third and last molars on each side of the upper and lower jaws. They are also the last teeth to emerge; they usually appear when a person is in their late teens or early twenties. Wisdom teeth don’t always need to be removed. Its rarely an emergency so you are unlikely to require an Emergency Dentist near me. For many people, they come through typically and don’t cause any problems. However, as your wisdom teeth are your last teeth to come through, there’s often not enough space in your mouth for them to grow correctly. They can get partially stuck in your gums, or grow at an angle. This is called an impacted wisdom tooth. Even impacted wisdom teeth don’t always need to be taken out if they aren’t causing any symptoms.Emergency Dentist near me

Sometimes though, the way an impacted wisdom tooth is positioned can make it easy for food and bacteria to get trapped in the gum. This can lead to swollen and sore gums (pericoronitis), tooth decay and infection. If you’re having problems such as these, your dentist may recommend taking the impacted tooth out.Myths Extraction

Having your wisdom teeth removed is a conventional procedure in the UK. It’s usually done in your late teens or twenties when your wisdom teeth come through.

Similar to general surgical extraction, the removal of wisdom teeth will begin with an x-ray to establish its position and angle in the gum. If your dentist feels that your tooth may have enough room to grow through without causing problems, they may suggest that extraction is not necessary.

If extraction is necessary, however, then you will be given a local anaesthetic before the process begins. This will block the pain present in your gums during the procedure while you remain awake. Wisdom teeth extraction is similar to the removal of any other molar, and involves the widening of the tooth socket, separating the tissue and bone that holds the tooth. Once the tooth is loosened, it will then be removed entirely. If your tooth has deep roots, however, it may be difficult to extract. If this is the case, your dentist may need to cut through the gums and remove some of your bone to remove the tooth.

However, if your dentist thinks your tooth is particularly challenging they may suggest you have the procedure under general anaesthetic. The more impacted the wisdom tooth is, the more complex the process to remove it. A vital nerve in the lower jaw can sometimes be very intimately related to the wisdom tooth which will make its removal riskier.

What are the alternatives to wisdom teeth removal?

If your wisdom teeth aren’t causing you any problems, even if they’re impacted, then you won’t need to have them taken out.
If your dentist thinks there’s a high risk of the nerves around your tooth being damaged, you may be offered a coronectomy. This is a procedure where the crown of the tooth is taken out, but some of the roots are left in place. This may help to reduce the chances of nerves around your tooth being damaged.

Coronectomy Procedure

This treatment involves removing the crown of the tooth and leaving the roots intact in your jaw. Although the roots may have viable pulp tissue, pupal therapy isn’t necessary as the roots will heal over with bone and eventually move away from the nerve. A coronectomy is preferable to extraction as a means of preventing neurological damage.
A small percentage of people may later need to have the retained roots extracted because they have begun to emerge. But if this happens, the roots will be far enough away from the nerve that the extraction will not harm it.

Emergency Dentist near me

Who’s a Good Candidate?

Your oral surgeon will be the best judge of whether a coronectomy is an option for your condition, but it would only be recommended if the roots of your tooth are close to the nerves. There are other situations when this procedure would not be advisable:
• Tooth and root are infected.
• The tooth is mobile, or root mobility is discovered during surgery.
• The tooth is horizontally impacted along the nerve (sectioning the tooth would injure the nerve).
Talk to your dentist for more information about your choices.

What to Expect After the extraction of your wisdom tooth

What happens after you have your wisdom teeth removed will depend on the type of anaesthesia you have. If you have general anaesthesia or sedation, make sure someone can take you home. Ask someone to stay with you for a day or so while the anaesthetic wears off.

After local anaesthesia, it may take several hours before the feeling comes back into your face and jaw. Take special care not to bump or knock the area. Don’t eat or drink anything for the first six hours after the procedure. You might have some discomfort as the anaesthetic wears off. But you’ll be offered pain relief, as you need it. You will be able to go home when you feel ready.

Your dentist or oral surgeon should give you some advice about looking after your teeth and gums before you go home. You may be given painkillers and mouthwash to use at home. You may also be prescribed a course of antibiotics to take if there are signs that you have an infection when your tooth is taken out.

It may take a few days to feel completely better after wisdom teeth removal. You’re likely to have some pain and discomfort after the procedure. This is usually worse for the first couple of days. You can take over-the-counter painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. Your dentist or surgeon may suggest you take both medicines because they can work well together to reduce pain.

As well as some pain, you may also have some swelling and stiffness in your jaw for a couple of days. This can make it difficult to open your mouth. Using an ice pack wrapped in a towel can help to reduce this.

Side-effects of wisdom teeth removal

You may experience temporary side effects following the procedure. The main side effects of wisdom teeth removal include:
• Pain, swelling and bruising around your jaw;
• Difficulty opening your mouth;
• Bad breath;
• Tiredness; and
• Sensitive teeth around where the tooth was removed.
Any side-effects should get better within two to three days after your wisdom teeth are removed.

Why Aftercare is Important – Emergency Dentist near me

To prevent potential problems after removing wisdom teeth, here are your post-extraction healing instructions:


Apply ice packs to the outside of your mouth intermittently (20 minutes on, 20 minutes off) for up to two days to minimize swelling, bruising or any discomfort. If your tooth was infected before removal, your dentist might ask you to use warm, moist compresses rather than ice.


Expect some bleeding, and keep a gauze pad over the extraction site for 30 minutes after surgery. For more massive bleeding, bite down on a gauze pad or place your fingers over the pad consistently for 10-15 minutes before removing it. Another alternative is to use a moistened tea bag for the same amount of time. The tannic acid in the tea contracts the bleeding vessels, which helps the blood clot set.

Mouth Care

Limit eating, drinking and talking for the first two hours following surgery, and plan to rest for the remainder of the day. To keep from dislodging the blood clot, don’t rinse vigorously and use a straw when drinking.
Additionally, avoid rigorous exercise for a few days, as well as smoking or spitting excessively on the day of the surgery, or as long as there is bleeding. After 12 hours, you can gently rinse with a diluted mouthwash or a salt water rinse. Carefully brush your teeth the night of the surgery, but avoid the surgical area as best as you can.


Take prescribed pain medications and antibiotics for infection precisely as directed by your dentist. And remember, if you are taking an active narcotic pain medication, you’ll be asked not to drive or operate machinery and to avoid alcoholic beverages.

When to Call Your Emergency Dentist near me

Any pain and swelling you have should improve each day, but call your Emergency Dentist near me if you experience any of the following:
• Swelling that gets worse instead of better.
• Excessive bleeding that won’t subside with pressure.
• Severe, throbbing pain three to four days following surgery.
• An elevated fever that persists.
Whether you have one wisdom tooth removed or all four, keep in mind that your dentist knows how to get you through this procedure without complications.
If you’re having your wisdom teeth extracted, the recovery time can be more significant depending on your oral hygiene, your body’s ability to heal, and other extrinsic factors, such as your age and length of procedure time. If you use tobacco, smoking after wisdom teeth removal can cause complications leading to infection and extended recovery time.

Possible Complications of wisdom teeth removal

Complications are when problems occur during or after the procedure. These may include the following:
• Infection of the tissues around the area where your wisdom tooth was removed.
• Dry Socket.
• Damage to the teeth nearby.
• Nerve Damage


Do I need time off work after wisdom teeth removal?

Wisdom teeth removal is a relatively minor procedure – you won’t need to take a lot of time off work. The time you need depends on what your job is, the type of anaesthetic you had and how quickly you recover. Its rarely an emergency and is planned with you dentist, so you wont need an Emergency Dentist near me.
If you have a job where you’re relatively inactive, then you should be back to work a day or two after the procedure. If you have a position where you’re physically active or doing heavy manual job, you may need to take a bit longer off.
It’s good to get back to your routine as soon as possible. You don’t need permission from your dentist or surgeon to go back to work – you can go when you feel ready.

Can I have wisdom teeth taken out while I’m pregnant?

You can have an anaesthetic to have wisdom teeth taken out when you’re pregnant. However, your dentist or surgeon will only advise having the procedure if it can’t wait until after your baby is born. This is to reduce the risk of any problems for you and your baby. If your wisdom teeth need to be removed, the second trimester is the best time for this to happen. Your dentist or oral surgeon will discuss your options with you.

What is dry socket?

Dry socket is when the blood clot that develops in the hole where your tooth was gets dislodged. This leaves the bone underneath exposed, and it can be quite painful. Dry socket can also cause bad breath.

Around five in every 100 people who have a wisdom tooth removed develop dry socket. You’re more likely to get it if you’re a woman, and if you have teeth removed from your lower jaw, rather than the upper one.

The primary symptom is a pain, which starts two to three days after the tooth is taken out and which gradually gets worse. The pain can spread to your ear and neck and can be severe. The pain and other symptoms can last for up to 10 days after your procedure. If you need an Emergency Dentist near me, please contact us.

Mouthwashes containing the antiseptic chlorhexidine can help stop you getting dry socket. Your dentist or surgeon may prescribe this for you.

If you have severe pain and ordinary painkillers aren’t helping, you should visit your dentist immediately. Treatments for dry socket include analgesics, rinsing out the socket to clean it, and packing the socket with a dressing soaked in painkillers and antiseptic.

What is nerve damage?

Damage to the nerves that are positioned close to the roots of lower wisdom teeth. This can result in debilitating temporary or permanent numbness in the tongue, teeth, gums, lower lip and chin. This can also cause pain, tingling, pins and needles and numbness. This can affect your lips, tongue, gums and teeth. It’s usually temporary, but there is a small chance it could be permanent. We can be your Emergency Dentist near me so please do contact us if we can help consult you. Have a look at our jaw problems and headaches information.


Wisdom Teeth

As we want you to avoid Wisdom teeth extractions in the future, here is some advice to take care of them.

Wisdom teeth (or third molars) are the last set of teeth that come through on each side of the upper and lower jaws. There are usually four wisdom teeth. They emerge during the late teens or twenties.

Sometimes, there is insufficient space for the wisdom teeth to come out into their normal position. This means that they may only come through partially (partial eruption) or not emerge at all (impacted). When this happens, your wisdom tooth may be painful.

What causes wisdom teeth pain?

Having impacted or partially erupted wisdom teeth may cause no problems at all. Commonly, however, impaction can make effective oral hygiene around the area very difficult leading to the build-up of food and bacteria. This can lead to several complications:
• Pain and discomfort
• Decay of the wisdom tooth
• An incorrectly angled wisdom tooth promotes food packing leading to deterioration of the molar in front of the wisdom tooth
• Gum inflammation and soreness (pericoronitis)Wisdom teeth extractions


A part of your gum line naturally breaches when a wisdom tooth finally breaks through the skin, but often just partially because it doesn’t have enough room to grow. Food particles can then become trapped by that flap of tissue, resulting in an infection in the gum surrounding the wisdom tooth. This is known as pericoronitis. It has the following symptoms:
• Painful or swollen gum tissue around the wisdom tooth.
• A foul smell or taste in your mouth
• Fever or frequent chills
• Swollen lymph nodes
• Spasms in the jaw muscles (trismus)

Consult your dentist if you experience any or all of the above.


Once pericoronitis has been diagnosed, there are three main possibilities: The entire tooth emerges naturally, and the infection will resolve itself, the gum flap is removed, or the tooth itself is extracted. Your dentist will clean the area around and under the gum to remove food particles and show you how to do the same. He or she will also be able to determine if removing the wisdom tooth is the best (or only) course of action.

Treatment options for impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted teeth require no treatment if they are healthy and are causing no problems.
Simple local measures can sometimes be the only required treatment. These include improved oral hygiene and the use of antiseptic mouthwash.
Some impacted teeth will need removal. However, wisdom teeth extractions are not without risk. Their removal is, therefore, only recommended if advised by your dentist.

Treating wisdom teeth pain at home

Impacted wisdom teeth may cause pain, aches, and tenderness. Ultimately, wisdom teeth extractions can help resolve these problems. In the meantime, there are several over-the-counter medical treatments and natural home remedies available to help you avoid wisdom teeth extractions.

1. Numbing gel

A numbing dental gel may help reduce feeling in the gums and dull the pain. These gels are available over the counter and contain the active ingredient benzocaine.

Most dental gels can be applied directly to the affected gums throughout the day. However, it is essential for a person to follow the instructions included in the product. Also, it is possible to be allergic to benzocaine.

2. Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen is an over-the-counter pain relief medication that helps reduce inflammation. Taking the recommended dose on the packet may help relieve discomfort. It can also reduce inflammation of the gums associated with wisdom teeth development.

3. Ice pack

Applying an ice pack to the jaw can help reduce inflammation, which in turn may relieve pain. Using ice can also have a numbing effect. A person can try holding an ice pack with a tea towel around it against their jaw for up to 15 minutes. The ice pack can be applied off and on with 15-minute breaks until the pain has subsided.

4. Salt water rinse

Salt water has natural disinfectant properties. Rinsing the mouth with salt water several times a day may help to reduce symptoms such as pain. To make the salt-water rinse, a person can dissolve one or two tablespoons of salt into a glass of freshly boiled water. When the water has cooled slightly, it can be swirled around the mouth for several minutes, and then spat out. This can be done two or three times a day, or until the pain starts to reduce.

5. Cloves

A 2006 study showed that the numbing effect of cloves could help with the pain of wisdom teeth. To try this home remedy, a person can use a whole clove or clove oil.

If using a whole clove they should:
• Place the clove over the wisdom tooth that is causing pain
• Hold it in place by closing their jaw, but without chewing
• Leave it there until the pain reduces and then spit it out

To try this remedy using clove oil, a person can:
• Put a few drops of clove oil on a ball of cotton wool
• Put the cotton wool on the wisdom tooth that is causing pain
• Hold the cotton wool in place until the pain reduces and then remove it.

6. Onion

A 2007 study found that onions have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. These advantages of onions mean they can help reduce swelling and fight bacterial infections.

To use onions as a home remedy, a person should:
• Cut off a piece of onion
• Chew the onion on the side of the mouth that has the pain
• Keep chewing for a few minutes until pain reduces and then spit out the onion

This process allows the juice from the onion to go into the gum so that it can reduce inflammation and bacteria.

7. Tea bags

Tea bags should only be placed in the mouth when completely cooled.

A 2016 study found that tannins contained in tea bags have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This means tea bags may help reduce swelling and fight bacterial infections.

To use tea bags as a home remedy, a person should make a cup of tea and put the container in the fridge with the tea bag left in it. Once the brew is cold, the tea bag can be taken out and placed in the mouth where the pain is located.

How to avoid wisdom teeth pain

When the wisdom teeth are coming through, there are practical things we can do to make it less likely that their gums become infected. These actions include:
• Practicing good oral hygiene: i.e. brushing teeth twice a day, flossing, and using mouthwash can help reduce the bacteria in the mouth that cause infections.
• Drinking plenty of water: This helps to flush food and bacteria away from the teeth and gums.
• Avoid sugary foods: Sweet foods can get stuck inside the broken gums, encouraging bacteria to grow.

Read more on options for your teeth

Before you have Wisdom teeth extractions Surgery

You will have an appointment with an oral surgeon to discuss the process. We advise that at your meeting, ensure you:
Discuss and share about any health problems you have.
Talk about any medicines and drugs you take regularly.

Now is the time to ask questions you have about the surgery.
Discuss what type of anaesthesia you’ll be given. You will be either numb during your surgery. In rare cases, you will be asleep during your operation.
Make sure to plan time off from work or school to have your surgery and rest afterwards at your house.
Organise and arrange your child care, pet care, or a lift home if required.

During your Wisdom teeth extractions Surgery

Your surgery will most likely take 45 minutes or less.
You’ll get one of these types of anaesthesia, so you will not feel any pain during your removal:

Local anaesthesia: Your doctor will numb your mouth with a shot of in your gums.You may also breathe nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, to relax or even doze during surgery. You should feel alert again shortly afterwards.

IV sedation anaesthesia: Your mouth will be made numb by the surgeon and also give you medicine to make you drowsy. You might sleep during the whole process.

General: You’ll be asleep the total amount of duration and possibly not wake up for an hour after the surgery.
Your surgeon might have to cut your gums or bone to get the teeth out. If so, he’ll stitch the wounds shut as they heal quickly. These stitches will usually dissolve after a few days. He may also stuff gauze pads in your mouth to soak up some of the blood.

After your Wisdom teeth extractions Surgery

Almost everyone responds very differently to anaesthesia. If you had a local anaesthetic and are feeling relatively alert, you should be able to make the drive home to feel better. You could even be ready to go back to work if you wish to. If you had general anaesthesia or still feel sleepy, you’ll need someone to help you drive to your home.
Many kinds of people have little or even no pain after the operation. You will most likely have some mild swelling and even some mild discomfort for 2 or 3 days. Your mouth may require a few weeks to heal fully.

Follow your doctor’s instructions for a quicker recovery from Wisdom teeth extractions . Here are some tips for the first three days after surgery:


Use an ice pack on your face to curb swelling or skin colour modifications.
Consider using moist heat if you have a sore jaw.
Try to gently open and close your mouth to exercise your jaw.
Eat soft foods like soup, rice and pasta.
Drink plenty of water and fluids.
Delay to brush your teeth on the first day and leave it to starting on a subsequent day.
Consider calling your doctor if you have a temperature, or if your pain or swelling doesn’t improve.


Don’t drink through a straw. Sucking may loosen blood clots that help your mouth heal.
Don’t rinse your mouth too harshly. Your doctor may suggest rinsing gently with saltwater.
Don’t eat hard, crunchy, or sticky foods that may scratch your wounds.
If you are a smoker. Don’t smoke. Smoking can slow your healing and causes a host of other issues.

See what the NHS have to say.


Just in case you missed the 6 o’clock BBC news today…

“A number of beauticians in London are performing illegal teeth-whitening procedures, which can leave patients in crippling pain if they go wrong.”


To start, hydrogen peroxide, although a fairly common product that has been used by people for years as a disinfectant/antiseptic, is a highly reactive chemical. Chemically, hydrogen peroxide is simply water with an extra oxygen molecule (H2O2). Although very close to water, please do not drink it! Just take this as an interesting fact.

Hydrogen peroxide can be used in a variety of ways, but in dentistry, it is generally in the areas of teeth whitening, as it is a bleaching agent.

In 2013, the Cosmetic Products Enforcement Regulations 2013, commonly known as the “EU Cosmetics Regulation”, was introduced, replacing the Cosmetic Products (Safety) (Amendment) Regulations 2012.

In this new legislation, the law changed around the hydrogen peroxide levels in teeth whitening. Pre-2013, in-surgery contained hydrogen peroxide levels of, maximum, 37%. However, after thorough research into the side effects of this chemical, the law changed and, now, in-surgery tooth whitening can only released between 0.1% and 6%.

The law, however, remains unchanged. It continues to state that tooth whitening products containing or releasing between 0.1% and 6% hydrogen peroxide should not be made directly available to the consumer. These levels are restricted so that they are administered through treatment by professionals:

  • A registered dentist; or
  • A dental hygienist or dental therapist or clinical dental technicians working to a dentist’s prescription

As per the General Dental Council’s regulations, we like to remind our patients that:

  • Tooth whitening containing or releasing between 0.1% and 6% hydrogen peroxide cannot be used on any person under the age of 18, unless certain medical exceptions apply; and
  • You can find products with whitening effects in the market (i.e. mouth rinse, tooth paste, and over-the-counter tooth whitening and bleaching products). However, they will only contain and release less than 0.1% hydrogen peroxide.

Wherever you go for your in-surgery tooth whitening session, please ensure you are receiving the best available service and attention you deserve:

  • An appropriate clinical examination is to be carried out in order to ensure that there are no risk factors or any other oral pathology concerns;
  • Exposure to these products should be limited to ensure that the products are only used as intended in terms of frequency and duration of application; and
  • Your dentist, or any other party working to a dentist’s prescription, is dedicated and willing to answer any concerns you may have.

Please, never compromise your health and wellbeing on finding a “good deal” or a “cheaper prices elsewhere”. As the Head of Illegal Practice from the General Dental Council stated: “If you’re seeing someone on the high street that’s attended a one day course and putting that into perspective – dentists attend a five-year training programme in order to qualify – you’re putting yourself in harm’s way.”

Should you ever have the misfortune of being treated or coming across someone who is not legally qualified to carry out tooth whitening treatment with levels exceeding 0.1% hydrogen peroxide, please contact either the General Dental Council and/or Trading Standards.

It all started

What does your smile say about you?

Its something we think about when people ask about Cosmetic Dental prices.

As a Cosmetic Dentist in Central London, it is a question we often comes across that is asked by odd surveys and random psychologists.

Why do people care about what their smile says about them, how can a fundamental expressive function be so meaningful when it comes to success, happiness and attraction?

A multitude of studies have proven time and time again; a smile can open doors to good jobs and allow you your pick of romantic partners. A study from Penn State University showed that when we smile, we are perceived as not only likeable and courteous but also much more competent. Another research shows that on average over 30% of human beings smile more than 20 times a day (not including children who can smile a whopping 400 times a day!). Brain scans have physically shown that with the simple act of smiling, the body automatically releases endorphins, reduces stress and even lowers your blood pressure.

Smiling is starting to sound a lot more important than just being a physical response to being happy! If this act has such power, then surely it makes sense that we have to take care of our smile and make the most out of this ability!

What makes a great smile? What limit for Cosmetic Dentist prices is worth it?

A smile is much more than just teeth. It’s the lips, the gums, the cheeks, the dimples and the sparkle in your eyes. Now with all these variable factors, many people can feel that their smile is less than perfect and avoid smiling altogether. Concerns usually range from crooked teeth, discoloured teeth, too much gum showing and even just the lips thinning too much when smiling.

Studies have shown that the factors mentioned above profoundly affect people’s self-esteem and lead them to avoid smiling. Or only allowing a closed mouth grimace of sorts – hiding your teeth is often seen as an act of negativity or seem unwelcoming, people who smile widely and show all their teeth are thought to be more open and trustworthy. People go so far as to avoid social interaction as a whole because they feel embarrassed of their smile or the way they look in general.

It is unfortunate that many people limit their life opportunities due to their insecurities, especially when there is so much available to help achieve whatever their desired look may be to help boost their confidence! Starting from the most common complaint – “my teeth are yellow”. Tooth whitening has become so comfortable and pain-free these days that most clients prefer to carry out the treatment at home at their comfort, with the use of the home bleaching kit. This kit requires two short visits to the dental practice, the first visit will be just for two moulds to be taken from the top and bottom teeth and the second visit will be to check the fit of the bleaching trays and give the instructions. Most clients will notice a decent difference in shade within the first month and can continue bleaching until they reach their desired tone. We also provide in-office bleaching for clients who would like to get a quick fix or a boost in their whitening regime. All needs met!Cosmetic Dentist prices

The second most common complaint is “my teeth aren’t straight, but I don’t want to wear metal braces” – thanks to modern technology, “train track” braces aren’t the only option for aligning teeth. Again when thinking of Cosmetic Dentist prices, choices are abundant, ranging from clear aligners like Invisalign or Inman Aligners or even short-term orthodontics (6 months smiles). For moderate cases or lingual braces (where the braces are on the inside of the teeth and not visible to the outside world)/white ceramic braces, which are often used in more severe orthodontic cases. These cases can typically last from 6 months to 1.5 years depending on the severity.Cosmetic Dentist prices

Once the major alignment work is done, individual tooth shapes can also be adjusted to allow a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing smile. When considering Cosmetic Dentist prices its worth factoring in the end result. Oval teeth with rounded edges are considered the most attractive in women, and square teeth with more sharp corners are attractive in men. This is apparently due to the teeth reflecting the face shape of each gender. Women tend to have softer, more rounded/oval faces and men have more sharp defined faces. In most cases, teeth can be adjusted with the use of composite filling material (white fillings) and polishing disks, which require no needles and no drilling! In slightly more severe cases, the client may benefit from using veneers or crowns (if the teeth are very broken down or misshapen) – these are essentially little caps that sit on the tooth, in the desired shape and colour as chosen by the client.Cosmetic Dentist prices

A smile is made up of more than just teeth.

In many cases, people often forget about the soft tissue effects on a person’s smile. You can have perfectly aligned, beautifully white teeth, but all of that is overlooked due to an overwhelming “gummy smile” or asymmetrical lips. In other cases, clients also complain about thin lips (especially the top lip). This type of lip is usually referred to as “strap lip” due to its stretched tight appearance when smiling. A perfect smile is a combination of hard and soft tissue morphology when the teeth and lips are harmonious; the result is outstanding. Luckily, soft tissues are quite easy and quick to adjust. If it’s a gummy smile you are concerned with, a little bit of Botox can help relax the levator muscle, so your upper lip doesn’t get pulled up as dramatically. If lips are what bother you, a 30 minute filler appointment can be all you need. First, your lips will be assessed to ensure that you receive a bespoke treatment, providing you with lips that are best suited for your face, it should never be a “one size fits all” format. Lips are one of the most attractive parts of the body and are always on show. Therefore it is imperative that you leave with lips that enhance your smile, not mock it! You should use the consultation appointment to discuss at length with your doctor to ensure you both are happy with the final treatment. The great thing about botox and fillers is that there is almost no downtime whatsoever and is virtually painless, with almost immediate effect. We provide numbing cream and even offer dental anaesthesia when enhancing lips to ensure a completely pain-free experience, allowing the client to leave with a happy smile.Cosmetic Dentist prices

Cosmetic Dentist prices

In many cases, people often forget about the soft tissue effects on a person’s smile. You can have perfectly aligned, beautifully white teeth, but all of that is overlooked due to an overwhelming “gummy smile” or asymmetrical lips. In other cases, clients also complain about fragile lips (especially the top lip). This type of lip is usually referred to as “strap lip” due to its stretched tight appearance when smiling. A perfect smile is a combination of hard and soft tissue morphology when the teeth and lips are harmonious; the result is outstanding. Luckily, soft tissues are quite easy and quick to adjust. If it’s a gummy smile you are concerned with, a little bit of Botox can help relax the levator muscle, so your upper lip doesn’t get pulled up as dramatically.

If lips are what bother you, a 30 minute filler appointment can be all you need. First, your lips will be assessed to ensure that you receive a bespoke treatment, providing you with lips that are best suited for your face, it should never be a “one size fits all” format. Lips are one of the most attractive parts of the body and are always on show. Therefore it is imperative that you leave with lips that enhance your smile, not mock it! You should use the consultation appointment to discuss at length with your doctor to ensure you both are happy with the final treatment. The great thing about Botox and fillers is that there is almost no downtime whatsoever and is mostly painless, with almost immediate effect. We provide numbing cream and even offer dental anaesthesia when enhancing lips to ensure a completely pain-free experience, allowing the client to leave with a happy smile.

Before and After Dental Implants

Have a look at just what a difference dental implants can make to your smile. We can simply let the images to the talking on this one, and if you are looking or thinking of having dental implants you can have a free no obligation consultation with Dr Leyla Packham to work on the best plan of action. The pictures display Before and After Dental Implants.

We have many more examples of Before and After Dental Implants pictures that we can also show you if want to see more. Implants are a major decision as they will require commitment on your part. This will be both financially and from a time commitment perspective.

More information can be found on DentalHealth.org


Here at Sonria in central London, we always try to explain to our customers that teeth whitening should be done by a professionally trained dentist. A dentist that understands the chemistry behind today’s best teeth whitening techniques. Its very important we all understand the risk of unsafe teeth whitening. More info on our teeth whitening services.

More and more customers are telling us that they have seen offers in papers and online about cheap teeth whitening techniques and as a result we thought we would share this article with you from Dental Health website explaining in detail the serious risks that are at play.

A Charity called the Oral Health Foundation highlighted a very serious risk that consumers are taking.

Click here to read the full article

Poor Dental Hygiene
action on sugar

According to Dentalhealth.org Oral health charity British Dental Health Foundation are calling for action on sugar which would including a reduction on price promotions in stores, sugar reduction in everyday food and drink and an introduction of a 10-20% tax on sugary soft drinks.

This come after a PHE (Public Health England) report on sugar stating “children’s tooth extractions cost the NHS around £30 million per year, with the biggest cause being tooth decay” cause predominantly by sugar. To learn more about dental hygiene click here

The report calls for a reduction on price promotions in stores, sugar reduction in everyday food and drink in general and an implementation of a 10-20% tax on soft drinks.

Tooth extractions for kids can cost the NHS and Government £30 million per year. The biggest cause being tooth decay and tooth decay excerbated by over consumption of sugar. Sugary food and drink are also the biggest reason for children being admitted to hospital for general anaesthetics. This cannot be allowed to continue. There is a definite need for quick and decisive action and there needs to be high level intervention to help change the Britain’s attitude to sugar.

The Government has so far resisted the call for the Sugar tax but reviews like this may help to sway them.

Read the full article here

children blog

Well, it’s official, you cannot now smoke in a car with anyone under the age of 18 in the vehicle. This will be a boon for children’s oral health. The law came into play from October 1st of this year and anyone caught smoking with a minor in the vehicle can be charged accordingly.

The problem with second hand smoke is that it can seriously cause issues to the gums, create tooth loss and even mouth cancer. There is a great article on this over on the dental health website and you can read all about the positive effects this will have on your children.

Here at Sonria Dental Clinic, we understand the harm that smoking can cause your teeth. As nicotine sits on the teeth it can cause major discolouration especially in heavy smokers and also lead to other areas of concern such as mouth cancer, gum disease, tooth loss and much more. However, we are not here to tell you that you should quit smoking, but we do have ways to help combat the effects of smoking such as regular good oral hygiene such as brushing in the morning and the evening, flossing, using antiseptic mouth wash and making sure you have regular checkups with the dentist.

If there is anything you need to think about when it comes to oral health, it’s hygiene and regular checkups – so if you are in the Central London area near Regents Park, then why not get your free consultation with us and let us put you on the path to a healthier and happier oral lifestyle.


Leyla Packham Dentist Sonria Dental Clinic

We have discovered a great article that researchers have been studying the links between oral topical medication for periodontitis  preventing vascular inflammation and help to reduce the risks of heart attacks. Here at Sonria Dental Clinic we know that many of clients understand the long term effects of general oral health are not just for the mouth, but for vascular performance too.

To read the full article visit this link and if you are in the Central London area, why not book a free consultation with our friendly team of staff to check up on your oral health. Its worth seeing other articles on Google about periodontitis to heart disease.

periodontitis heart disease