Causes, effects and treatment of Bruxism

Severe receding gums with wearing and chipping of all anterior and posterior teeth.


Bruxism is a condition characterized by involuntary and excessive teeth grinding and clenching. It affects both children and adults and can happen during the day or night. Here are some of the causes, effects, and treatments for bruxism:

1. Stress and anxiety
2. sleep disorders
3. Malocclusion or misaligned teeth
4. Certain medications such as antidepressants
5. Genetic factors

1. Headaches
2. Tooth sensitivity and pain
3. Jaw pain and stiffness
4. Dental damage such as fractures, chips, and worn-down teeth
5. Receding gums
6. Sleeping problems

b.&c. Fractured molar

1. Stress management and relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, or counselling
2. Dental treatments such as bite splints or mouth guards to protect teeth
3. Orthodontic treatments to correct malocclusion
4. Muscle relaxants prescribed by a doctor
5. Botox injections to relax jaw muscles
6. Lifestyle changes such as avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco

In addition to these treatments, it is essential to address the underlying causes of bruxism to achieve long-term relief. Getting an accurate diagnosis and seeking appropriate treatment can help reduce the physical and psychological effects of bruxism.

Contact us, if you have any questions or would like to discuss your concerns with one of our dentists or our orthodontist, Ines Fruhbeck. She will be so please to assist you.

You can find us at 25 Devonshire Place, W1G 6JD.
Tel: 02072241402

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